On Friday, July 19, 2024, the exhibition Onmetelijk Belangrijk opened with a series of lectures in the auditorium. Following an introduction by Aric Chen, Director of HNI, and Stephan Petermann, Founder of MANN / Editor-in-Chief of VOLUME at Archis, the following speakers took the stage: Bart Mispelblom Beyer (TANGRAM Architekten) – on the hard importance of soft values such as the intuitive experience of space and community spirit; Florian Witsenburg (Tygron Platform) – on the application of data in area and building design, and in participatory processes; Feras Alsaggaf (TU Delft) – on the quantification of data related to soft values such as ‘wayfinding’ and perception of space. After the lectures, the group moved up the ramps to Gallery 3, where the exhibition was opened by Aida, the avatar that guides visitors through the exhibition. The afternoon concluded with a generous reception. More information on the content can be found on the following websites: Onmetelijk Belangrijk – Artificial Intelligence and the Soft Values of Architecture, AI-expo Onmetelijk Belangrijk: An Exploration of Soft Design Values – Gebiedsontwikkeling.nu. The exhibition can be visited until September 1 at Het Nieuwe Instituut; it will then continue its journey to Haarlem (ABC) and TU Eindhoven (Vertigo).
Immeasurably Important – Artificial Intelligence and the Soft Values of Architecture” opened at the Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam.