by wphelpdesk | Jul 5, 2016 | News
For Çordaan, organization for elderly care and dementia, Tangram realizes a 50 housing units on the ‘Kop van Zuidas’, in Amsterdam. Heart of the new building is formed by a large greenhouse courtyard. This will expand the residents outdoor season from 3 to 8...
by wphelpdesk | Jun 23, 2016 | News
This week the Bright tower design past the final municipal test. The ‘Commissie Welstand en momumenten’ judges the design on rules and regulations , especially on building aesthetics. Building will start early november this year. ...
by wphelpdesk | Jun 15, 2016 | News
Today the Utrecht municipality granted its formal approval to develop and build a new ‘Amrath’ hotel with 250rooms, topped with 350 residential units, right in the cities center at the Jaarbeursplein. The agreement was signed in November last year, subject to the...
by wphelpdesk | Jun 14, 2016 | News
Our efforts for a good embedding of Rhapsody in the neighborhood have been awarded the 3rd prize for the “Social Awareness Award 2016 “, by the ABN AMRO. The award was accepted by Sanne Botterweg of Urban Sync, who together with the artist collective Cascoland,...
by wphelpdesk | Jun 9, 2016 | News, Topical
Time-lag is the name of the new artwork made by Charlotte ten Dijke, made from woodchips, as one of a new series, “Forces of Nature”.
by wphelpdesk | Jun 9, 2016 | News
July 2016 the architects house reconstruction was finished.