The Hague
study of urban reconstruction and increase in density
The Haque City Counsel
2004 design study, not implemented
The Hague is facing a major construction challenge that needs to be accommodated within the city, even though it is developed to its limit. Increasing Density along Public Transport (VeLOV) is a proposal that explores ways to increase building density within the city, along the six-kilometre-long route of the planned Randstad Rail that will connect the city centre and De Uithof sports complex.
Increasing density on such a scale is only possible with an integrated approach that ignores the boundaries that separate economics, spatial planning, public housing and the environment. And a consistently high-quality result can only be achieved through solutions that focus specifically on the characteristics of this city and its neighbourhoods.
To be able to intensify, the city first has to be understood in all its morphological and infrastructural layers, and its primary structure of greenery and water. Locational qualities manifest themselves where these layers overlap, and they can be translated into a high-standard, differentiated housing environment.
Even with a relaxed approach, a high degree of quality intensification appears possible in the VeLOV area. Without building additional development in existing residential or green areas, a programme of 4400 dwellings, 103,000 m2 of offices, 8500 car park spaces and 20,000 m2 of other functions can still be realized. In addition, a further 20 hectares of green space can be created.
velov link_den haag wil bouwen langs spoor
velov link_verdichten langs openbaar vervoer