It is possible to compact and add quality. If done intelligently.
Compaction is a hot item at the moment, especially given the construction task (1 million homes!). For us, compacting has been an important theme since the foundation of Tangram in the early 1990s. We have done a lot of research and organized exhibitions about it: MA-SSA, BALANS and Beautifull Compact NL.

During a meeting (Let’s dence) organized by Aorta Architecture Center in Utrecht, we gave a peek into our kitchen with the design for Galaxy Tower. This hotel and residential tower will be located on Jaarbeursplein Utrecht and will be connected to both the business center of the city and the newly developed residential area. A metropolitan tower with a warm, inviting appearance – all around. How can you do that?


  1. heterogeneous environments
  2. mixing functions
  3. careful zoning from public to private
  4. all-round quality
  5. compactness: energy and ecology

These are the main design recipes, but of course there are many more. In Beautiful Compact NL we discuss about 40 of them. Below an animation of the varied construction and all-round quality of the tower.