Event ‘From Kopzorg to Topzorg’ at Pakhuis de Zwijger, March 20, 2024

Following the recent release of the book “Met Zorg Ontworpen” (Designed with Care) by Tangram Architekten, Tangram, together with Pakhuis de Zwijger and Hans de Groot, organized an inspiring evening about the future of senior housing and care buildings. During the event, Charlotte ten Dijke highlighted the vision and philosophy behind several recent housing and care projects, including Zuidoever in Amsterdam, the Leythenrode care complex in Leiderdorp, and the new Salem building in Katwijk aan Zee. The presentation not only shared the experiences with Zuidoever but also provided broader insights, such as research on spatial experiences in dementia, spatial planning, and the organization of housing and care for seniors, as well as the feasibility and business models for these projects. The importance of real estate for healthcare institutions was also discussed.

The event brought together a diverse group of specialists, including:

  • Barbara Voermans – Program Manager of Strategic Direction at Cordaan and former Location Manager of Zuidoever
  • Ineke van der Ham – Professor of Technological Innovations in Neuropsychology at Leiden University
  • Jan de Vries – Director and Executive of DSV Leven
  • Tymen Peverelli – Project Manager, Municipality of Amsterdam
  • Alexander Scholtes – Alderman for Care, Social Development, Public Health, ICT, and Digital City at the Municipality of Amsterdam
  • Christel van Oort – Relationship Manager for Care & Welfare at Triodos Bank
  • Delano Hoost – Director of Community Organization at Stichting Kraktie

The evening sparked substantial discussions and valuable conversations about how we should design buildings, especially for seniors, and what the housing-care buildings of the future should look like. A key question was whether there should be a clear distinction between different life stages— from independent living to assisted living and, as age progresses, full care. When you’re young, you can adapt easily to significant changes in your living situation, but as you age, the choice is often forced, making the transition much more challenging to comprehend. This supports the idea of housing that can adapt to changing life stages, which requires housing concepts to be flexible and adaptable in general.

The evening emphasized the need to center human and environmental considerations in building for living (with care) in order to be successful, even in today’s context.

Platform for Housing and Care
One of the key takeaways from the event was the recognition that many parties are already doing excellent work in building, housing, and care, but these efforts are fragmented. As a result, a call was made at the end of the evening to join forces and form a platform that includes business, government, and academia. There are so many issues and challenges at play that they can best be addressed collectively. Experience shows that individual efforts often progress slowly or make little headway. Ten partners signed up that evening, and as the group grows, a founding meeting will be scheduled in the near future. Sign up with us, and we’ll keep you informed! ([email protected])

Research by Leiden University, TU Delft, Tangram, and Cordaan
We look forward to translating these insights into concrete actions for better housing and living-care environments for seniors. One of the initiatives resulting from this is the research initiated by Leiden University and TU Delft in collaboration with Tangram Architekten and Cordaan, which examines the differences between living and working at Zuidoever compared to more traditional care centers that are still being built. By surveying residents, their families, and caregivers, the goal is to uncover differences in factors such as disease symptoms, stress, and job satisfaction. Zuidoever offers a unique opportunity to observe the perspectives of residents and caregivers and to make recommendations for future projects.

“Met Zorg Ontworpen”
Are you interested in our book “Met Zorg Ontworpen”? The book can be ordered via the link below for €15. [Click Here]

Missed the event but want to watch the recording? It is available on YouTube (@Pakhuis de Zwijger) via the following link:

Introduction and brief conversation with Alderman Alexander Scholtes: 00:00 – 04:55
Presentation by Charlotte ten Dijke, Tangram Architekten: 04:58 – 32:46
Block 1: 32:50 – 58:15

  • Barbara Voermans, Cordaan: 35:00 – 46:00
  • Ineke van der Ham, Leiden University: 46:00 – 56:20
  • Charlotte ten Dijke, Tangram Architekten, and discussion: 56:20 – 58:15
    Block 2: 58:15 – 1:36:28
  • Jan de Vries, DSV Leven: 58:45 – 1:12:00
  • Tymen Peverelli, Municipality of Amsterdam: 1:12:00 – 1:23:55
  • Christel van Oort, Triodos Bank, and discussion: 1:24:06 – 1:36:30
    Block 3: 1:36:30 – 1:55:40
  • Discussion between Alexander Scholtes, Alderman of Amsterdam, Delano Hoost, Stichting Kraktie, and Charlotte ten Dijke, Tangram Architekten
    Conclusion: 1:55:40 – 1:59:36