Opening KolenkitKas #Rhapsody in West

Opening KolenkitKas #Rhapsody in West

June 20, the opening of the KolenkitKas in the courtyard garden of Rhapsody in West was celebrated with music and snacks. Residents from the Kolenkit neighborhood celebrated this party together with the residents of the newly completed residential complex. The...
The book is here! #CityoftheFuture

The book is here! #CityoftheFuture

On Thursday April 18, the book The City of the Future / De Stad van de Toekomst was presented in the New Institute in Rotterdam. The ten design visions for five locations are described and depicted. Also that of team Triangel, of which Tangram is the team leader....
Start construction OurDomain

Start construction OurDomain

No building without a party! Yesterday, the construction of the OurDomain residential tower was celebrated at the Wijnhaven in Rotterdam. Charlotte ten Dijke and Bart Mispelblom Beyer were praised by developer Stebru for the ‘inspiring design’.  The NOS-tv...