No building without a party! Yesterday, the construction of the OurDomain residential tower was celebrated at the Wijnhaven in Rotterdam. Charlotte ten Dijke and Bart Mispelblom Beyer were praised by developer Stebru for the ‘inspiring design’. 

The NOS-tv news interviewed Charlotte about the special location of the 70-meter-high residential tower, a historically charged place. It is the only location in the center of Rotterdam that was never built on after WOII; the center of the city was bombed by the Germans in May 1940. “That requires a special building,” said Charlotte. “It will be a beacon in the city with large windows on all sides, as it were a lookout for Rotterdam. The building also shows features of the Rotterdam building tradition, with large columns and open plinths. The etching pattern in the aluminum facade refers to the chaos of war. “