Nerefco BP Headquarters, Rotterdam Urban, healthy and green Location Rotterdam Pernis b Description 8000 m2 offices, visitor centre, training centre, sports facilities, parking, hotel, restaurant and petrol station Client Nerefco Completion 2007, unbuilt SAVE,...
Singer museum, Laren Functional with a soul Location Laren (NH) b Description Study for reorganization and partial construction of the Singer museum, theater and sculpture garden Client Bouwkundig Adviesbureau J.N.M. Kooij; Lisoba Beheer BV Completion 2012...
Lux, Almere Living large in a compact setting Location Almere b Description 120 flexible apartments, built parkingspace Client Ballast Ontwikkeling BAM Bouw Completion 2010 Unbuilt ICONIC AND SELF-SUFFICIENT A key site in the new Columbuskwartier district...
Lieven de Key, Hilversum Urban, healthy and green Location Hilversum b description 80 Houses, schools, sports accomodation, health caren institutions Client Municipality of Hilversum and De Alliantie Ontwikkeling (Development) completion 2002, not realized ...
South entrance, Almelo Urban challanges Location Almelo b Description Reconstruction of South Entrance to Almelo Client Municipality of Almelo Completion 2010, partly built STRENGHTEN IDENTITY Almelo is part of the triangle Enschede-Hengelo-Almelo,...