Park Laar, Tilburg Urban challanges location Tilburg b Description Study of Traffic and Urban Planning Solutions for City Gateway Enhancement client Triborgh Bouwontwikkeling, Dura Vermeer i.s.m. Advin Infra completion 2007, design study LIVING ABOVE A...
Nerefco BP Headquarters, Rotterdam Urban, healthy and green Location Rotterdam Pernis b Description 8000 m2 offices, visitor centre, training centre, sports facilities, parking, hotel, restaurant and petrol station Client Nerefco Completion 2007, unbuilt SAVE,...
Lieven de Key, Hilversum Urban, healthy and green Location Hilversum b description 80 Houses, schools, sports accomodation, health caren institutions Client Municipality of Hilversum and De Alliantie Ontwikkeling (Development) completion 2002, not realized ...
South entrance, Almelo Urban challanges Location Almelo b Description Reconstruction of South Entrance to Almelo Client Municipality of Almelo Completion 2010, partly built STRENGHTEN IDENTITY Almelo is part of the triangle Enschede-Hengelo-Almelo,...
Increasing density along public transport (VELOV) Urban Challenges Location The Hague description study of urban reconstruction and increase in density Client The Haque City Counsel Completion 2004 design study, not implemented HIGH QUALITY LIVING ALONG THE...