Centre for asylum seekers, Ter Apel

Centre for asylum seekers, Ter Apel

Centre for asylum seekers, Ter Apel Urban, healthy and green  Location Ter Apel, Groningen b Description Centre for asylum seekers with various amenities  Client Balast Nedam; Heddes Bouw en Ontwikkeling  Completion Unbuilt AT HOME ABROAD   The future...
Entrada, Hilversum

Entrada, Hilversum

Entrada, Hilversum Urban, healthy and green  Location Hilversum b Description 150 apartments, commercial space, studio homes and parking garage  Client AM Wonen, Amsterdam  Completion 2012 COMPACT BUT PARK-LIKE   An extensive programme of dwellings, amenities,...
Park Laar, Tilburg

Park Laar, Tilburg

Park Laar, Tilburg Urban challanges  location Tilburg   b Description Study of Traffic and Urban Planning Solutions for City Gateway Enhancement    client Triborgh Bouwontwikkeling, Dura Vermeer i.s.m. Advin Infra    completion 2007, design study   LIVING ABOVE A...
Nerefco BP Headquarters, Rotterdam

Nerefco BP Headquarters, Rotterdam

Nerefco BP Headquarters, Rotterdam Urban, healthy and green  Location Rotterdam Pernis b Description 8000 m2 offices, visitor centre, training centre, sports facilities, parking, hotel, restaurant and petrol station  Client Nerefco  Completion 2007, unbuilt SAVE,...
Lux, Almere

Lux, Almere

Lux, Almere Living large in a compact setting  Location Almere b Description 120 flexible apartments, built parkingspace  Client Ballast Ontwikkeling BAM Bouw  Completion 2010 Unbuilt ICONIC AND SELF-SUFFICIENT   A key site in the new Columbuskwartier district...