Research aids in the progress of both process and design
“The City of the Future” is a design study that explores the significant challenges facing our cities. Ten diverse teams conducted research on a one-square-kilometer area in one of the major cities, including Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht, The Hague, and Eindhoven. Through inspiring visuals and concrete action proposals, Team Triangel, led by Tangram, demonstrated how the crucial transitions of our time, such as climate change, demographic shifts, citizen participation, energy, and mobility, can be integrated into the city.

Urban area development is necessary to maintain the vitality of our cities while also helping us achieve our sustainability goals. In response to a commission from the College of Government Advisors, the working group on Urban area Development, which includes Tangram along with Rudy Uytenhaak and the Office of the Rijksbouw- meester, highlights not only the urgency but also the opportunities, possibilities, and benefits of compact building. This initiative is intended for municipalities, provinces, the national government, developers, and fellow professionals. The working group offers numerous design concepts and recommendations in the areas of knowledge exchange, strategies and regulations. It emphasizes the importance of compact building in creating spatially rich cities that exhibit vibrant distinctions between urban and rural areas. By focusing on compact development, cities can optimize land use and preserve valuable green spaces, promoting a sustainable and balanced urban environment.

Sustainability has become a container concept. However, sustainable development is a vital issue that cannot be underestimated. The concept has many sides. In BALANCE, dimensions of sustainability , an exhibition with accompanying book, an attempt has been made to map and image all sides in a way that is accessible to everyone. The basis is formed by the ‘golden triangle of sustainability’ with socio-cultural, physical and economic aspects. The exhibition visited six cities in the Netherlands before moving to the US to universities in Washington DC (UDC) and Bristol, Rhode Island (RWU) and was part of the undergraduate design education curriculum.