Lux, Almere

Lux, Almere

Lux, Almere Living large in a compact setting  Location Almere b Description 120 flexible apartments, built parkingspace  Client Ballast Ontwikkeling BAM Bouw  Completion 2010 Unbuilt ICONIC AND SELF-SUFFICIENT   A key site in the new Columbuskwartier district...
Lieven de Key, Hilversum

Lieven de Key, Hilversum

Lieven de Key, Hilversum Urban, healthy and green  Location Hilversum   b description 80 Houses, schools, sports accomodation, health caren institutions  Client Municipality of Hilversum and De Alliantie Ontwikkeling (Development)    completion 2002, not realized  ...
South entrance Almelo

South entrance Almelo

South entrance, Almelo Urban challanges  Location Almelo b Description Reconstruction of South Entrance to Almelo    Client Municipality of Almelo    Completion 2010, partly built   STRENGHTEN IDENTITY   Almelo is part of the triangle Enschede-Hengelo-Almelo,...
Increasing density along public transport (VELOV)

Increasing density along public transport (VELOV)

Increasing density along public transport (VELOV) Urban Challenges  Location The Hague  description study of urban reconstruction and increase in density  Client The Haque City Counsel  Completion 2004 design study, not implemented HIGH QUALITY LIVING ALONG THE...