by wphelpdesk | Dec 11, 2019
Kavel 14, IJburg Urban, healty and green Location Amsterdam, IJburg Description Circular residential building with 7500 m2 of residential facilities and utility spaces. TEAM TANGRAM Architekten, Smit’s Bouwbedrijf, NIBE, Hiensch engineering, Daring Dutch...
by wphelpdesk | Dec 11, 2019
Crystal Court, Buitenveldert Urban, healty and green Location Amsterdam Buitenveldert, Willem van Weldammelaan Description 36 detached/stacked villas with terraces, water garden, and underground parking. Client Hillen&Roosen Completion 2008 Awards...
by wphelpdesk | Dec 10, 2019
Cité, Rotterdam Blending for the optimal results location Laan van Zuid, Rotterdam b description 498 apartments (30, 45, 65 m2), communal facilities, workspaces, parking garage, total of 33,000 m2 Client OWB Stadswonen Kristal, Rotterdam Completion 2010 ...
by wphelpdesk | Dec 9, 2019
Blok 29, Amsterdam Urban, healthy and green Location Amsterdam IJburg b Description 161 homes, of which 24 are accessible for disabled individuals, 2000 sqm of commercial space, and a parking garage. 19 residential units dedicated to (partially dependent) elderly...
by wphelpdesk | Dec 7, 2019
Buskenblaser, Amsterdam-West The challenge of affordable housing in urban areas Location Buskenblaserstraat, Bos en LommerAmsterdam-West b Description 111 residences, 1140 m2 of commercial space, parking beneath the deck. Client Delta Forte Completion 2008...