Kavel 14, Amsterdam

Kavel 14, Amsterdam

Kavel 14, IJburg Urban, healty and green  Location Amsterdam, IJburg  Description Circular residential building with 7500 m2 of residential facilities and utility spaces.    TEAM TANGRAM Architekten, Smit’s Bouwbedrijf, NIBE, Hiensch engineering, Daring Dutch...
Crystal Court, Buitenveldert

Crystal Court, Buitenveldert

Crystal Court, Buitenveldert Urban, healty and green  Location Amsterdam Buitenveldert, Willem van Weldammelaan    Description 36 detached/stacked villas with terraces, water garden, and underground parking.  Client Hillen&Roosen    Completion 2008    Awards...
Cité, Rotterdam

Cité, Rotterdam

Cité, Rotterdam Blending for the optimal results  location Laan van Zuid, Rotterdam b description 498 apartments (30, 45, 65 m2), communal facilities, workspaces, parking garage, total of 33,000 m2    Client OWB Stadswonen Kristal, Rotterdam    Completion 2010 ...
Block 29, Amsterdam

Block 29, Amsterdam

Blok 29, Amsterdam Urban, healthy and green  Location Amsterdam IJburg   b Description 161 homes, of which 24 are accessible for disabled individuals, 2000 sqm of commercial space, and a parking garage. 19 residential units dedicated to (partially dependent) elderly...
Buskenblaser, Amsterdam-West

Buskenblaser, Amsterdam-West

Buskenblaser, Amsterdam-West The challenge of affordable housing in urban areas  Location Buskenblaserstraat, Bos en LommerAmsterdam-West   b Description 111 residences, 1140 m2 of commercial space, parking beneath the deck.    Client Delta Forte    Completion 2008...