by wphelpdesk | Dec 9, 2019
Blok 29, Amsterdam Urban, healthy and green Location Amsterdam IJburg b Description 161 homes, of which 24 are accessible for disabled individuals, 2000 sqm of commercial space, and a parking garage. 19 residential units dedicated to (partially dependent) elderly...
by wphelpdesk | Dec 8, 2019
Municipal Building, The Haque Functional with a soul location Loudonstraat 95, Bezuidenhout The Hague b omschrijving 50 senior residences, 24 apartments, psychomedical center, health center, and district office. client municipality The Hague completion...
by wphelpdesk | Dec 7, 2019
Buskenblaser, Amsterdam-West The challenge of affordable housing in urban areas Location Buskenblaserstraat, Bos en LommerAmsterdam-West b Description 111 residences, 1140 m2 of commercial space, parking beneath the deck. Client Delta Forte Completion 2008...
by wphelpdesk | Dec 6, 2019
Arena offices, Hilversum Functional with a soul location Arenapark, Hilversum b description two buildings of 5000 m2 each, with flexibele office spaces Client Delta Lloyd Vastgoed; Phoenix Bouwontwikkeling completion 2002 TWINS Two office buildings, one...