Restaurant pavilion, Amsterdam Osdorp Small but delicated Location Amsterdam Osdorp b Description Pavilion for 3 restaurants Client ING Vastgoed, Den Haag Completion 2001 ALL-SIDED SCULPTURE The district of Osdorp and Sloterplas lake form part of Van...
Entrada, Hilversum Urban, healthy and green Location Hilversum b Description 150 apartments, commercial space, studio homes and parking garage Client AM Wonen, Amsterdam Completion 2012 COMPACT BUT PARK-LIKE An extensive programme of dwellings, amenities,...
Park Laar, Tilburg Urban challanges location Tilburg b Description Study of Traffic and Urban Planning Solutions for City Gateway Enhancement client Triborgh Bouwontwikkeling, Dura Vermeer i.s.m. Advin Infra completion 2007, design study LIVING ABOVE A...
Lux, Almere Living large in a compact setting Location Almere b Description 120 flexible apartments, built parkingspace Client Ballast Ontwikkeling BAM Bouw Completion 2010 Unbuilt ICONIC AND SELF-SUFFICIENT A key site in the new Columbuskwartier district...
Lieven de Key, Hilversum Urban, healthy and green Location Hilversum b description 80 Houses, schools, sports accomodation, health caren institutions Client Municipality of Hilversum and De Alliantie Ontwikkeling (Development) completion 2002, not realized ...